It is not worth mourning RAAM 2020. This is complete for us. Only the refund of the flights that should be operated with UNITED AIRLINES is still open. Here, the airline stubbornly refuses. Nevertheless, we assume that this chapter can also be brought to a good end.
We cannot foresee at the moment to what extent COVID-19 will also affect the plans for 2021. We will proceed with due care with respect to binding reservations and bookings.
Now, however, and taking into account the COVID problem, we are now focusing together on participation in RAAM 2021. The most important thing in advance: Fortunately, we can assume that all team members will participate in principle in 2021 as well.
The start of the teams RAAM 2021 will take place on Saturday, 19th of June 2021 in Oceanside.
We leave the travel dates unchanged. This means that the complete team will arrive on Sunday, 13th of June 2021. The departure will also be based on the planning for 2020. The exact data depends on the delivery station for the motorhomes.
The Motels at the Start in Oceanside and the finish line in Annapolis are booked.
I have already started a request for the rental of two motorhomes at the agency of my trust. Here I am waiting for the result. It should be available in the next few days.
Already during the planning for the RAAM 2020 it became obvious that there are hardly any more One-way-rentals from coast to coast, which are financially justifiable. The price is almost three times higher than a round trip. Most companies don´t offer any One-way-rentals at all. The compromise in 2020 was to hand over the campers in Denver. Let’s see how it can be done for 2021.