RAAM 2020 was cancelled by the RAAM-Organization. Not a good news for us at all. However the decision is comprehensible and absolutely the right one. No doubt.
The in that time potentially cancellation of RAAM 2020 was already an issue at our team meeting one month ago. There was a mutual understanding, to postpone all efforts to RAAM 2021 for the case of cancellation RAAM 2020. All team mates, racer, crew or media spontaneous emphasized their intention to be a part of the team, then in 2021. Another expression of the particular spirit in the team.
The bookings for the Motels at the start in Oceanside and the Finish Line in Annapolis, as well as the three vans, preplanned as Follow Vehicles and Media Vehicle could be cancelled without any fee. The two RVs could be cancelled by paying a low cancellation fee. Kind of bother, but not really vital.
Cancellation of flights is still an open issue. Could be, that we have to face severe losses in that case.
All personnel, material and logistic planning will be transferred to 2021 without too many changes (so far). Besides the mental realignment not a too big business. We lost an great adventure in 2020. We gained one more year time for preparation.
We now all hope, that the Corona-Virus will reprieve our team, friends, acquaintances and whoever. Furthermore, we do hope, that all our team mates will overcome that issue in a manner that will still enable them to participate, now in RAAM 2021.